Sunday, November 13, 2011

Organized Toys

If you have kids I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess there are too many toys! It is easy to give in and buy them toys, but honestly,you know it is important to get these toys under control and help your kids at the same time.

This time of year is perfect to set new guidelines and rules for kids of all ages. Time to discard toys that are broken/damaged or your kids have outgrown or simply no longer play with. Time for a hard sort. Toys over 6 months old are probably no longer wanted.

I find it is often harder for the parents to give the toys away than for the kids! True! NO saving because…NO saving toys. There are so many kids that have nothing, show your children how wonderful it is to give to those who have little.

Please remember only give away toys in good or better condition. Give in the condition you would want to receive it in. Find a shelter or church or perhaps a child in your neighborhood. It’s ok to play secret Santa to a family if that makes it easier to give.

The idea is to give and enjoy a “teaching moment” with your kids!

PS…Remember toys come in and equal number of toys must go out, no matter what time of year it is!!!

The Designer Gals can help you get the toys organized or any other task that may need abit of our design skills. Give us a call, text or email. Till next time…

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Organized Living

Can you imagine organized living; a space where everything has a place and stuff isn’t piled everywhere? Say Yes!

Tired of searching for misplaced items each day - keys, kids shoes, notebooks, etc. A few minutes can add up to hours and hours, just 5 min. a day is over 30 hours a year. How many “5 min.” are you spending a day looking for stuff? Too many, ok it’s time to get started.

The Designer Gals are here for you. Keep a vision of how your life will be clutter free. If you are going to tackle this, do one room at a time. Clear it out, sort it into - Must Keep, Give Away, Donate. It is important not to over think your decisions and do not feel guilty if you donate gifts, hand me down furniture and such. There are so many people that can use these things. You can help make someone else’s day!

Not sure where to start? Which space first? The Designer Gals can help you prioritize and set up systems that work for you and your lifestyle. It is time to start enjoying an organized life…you can do it!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Paint with color - color creates a mood

So many choices... total confusion. Most people look at paint strips, bring home a few dozen and then paint off-white! Why? Is your lifestyle shouting color, but you don't hear it? To help you get started on your redesign, here are helpful and easy suggestions.
Open your closet, what colors do you see? You have just discovered the colors for your space. The paint stores can match almost any item and you can purchase some small samples to test on your wall.

The color you choose will appear light and dark depending on the time of day and natural and artificial lighting will influence the color also. Leave it on the wall a few days to feel comfortable with your decision.

Now that the choice is made start painting. The first few swipes with the roller are going to be a shock, but don't stop, you know this color and love it. As the walls are painted, you will become more secure in your choice and excited about the color.

This is a great time to redesign your space. Try mixing things up. Put the sofa on the other side of the room, chairs over get the idea. Redesigning is fun and easy on the budget.
Congratulations! Stand back and admire what you just accomplished.
You did it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fall is here!!!

Well, was that a fast summer, or what ??? Here in Oregon it seemed to only last about a month!!! Yes, the rain is on its way and I guess its time to put the summer things away. There is the crisp evening air that says fall is here. Time to look for some of the things from last year, those silk fall leaves in a vase, some slip covers for my throw pillows on the sofa. Put up the heavier curtins in the living room. Whoo, looks like I have a new room. Next come the throw blankets that I lay over the arm chair and sofa.
Picked up some new pot holders and a few new hand towels with a fall pattern for the kitchen. Found a large platter that has fall colors on it. Nice to just place it on the counter for color.
With just a few touches I have changed the look of the 2 rooms, at almost No Cost!!!! Have fun with changing your home with the seasons.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Redesign any space for less

Time for a new family room, but new furniture isn’t in the budget. The Designer Gals can give you a new look using what you already own.

Yes,we can! We see your things in a new light. We will “shop” your home,move things around and change things up.

Let’s really change things up and have a design party! We’ll have the plan and you and your friends can make it happen.

The Designer Gals have a redesign for every space. It is affordable, fun and done in a day.

Give us a call, email, or text…our ideas are waiting for you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Reuse Repurpose and Redesign an old table

We found this cool looking mid century table. Many layers of paint, but we knew it would look great after a little sanding, filler, primer. We used the mint green color that was popular in the 50's for the trim color and off white for the remainder of the table top. The Designer Gals knew this would look fabulous!

Dark brown paint for the base and legs, a quick sanding on the drawer pull and a couple coats of poly on the top and this table is good to go! It has wheels making it easy to move around a small kitchen for additional prep space or a spot to eat a meal. Perfect for a desk for kids or you!

That is how you Repurpose a table! Give the Designer Gals a call, zip an email or text...we have more ideas than we can blog about! Lets makeover something you love and reuse it for years to come!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Clutter - Messy - or Hoarding

When does clutter become messy which becomes hording? When it is too much, when it disrupts your life and alienates people from your home and your life.

Clutter is a subjective word, what I consider clutter is someone else’s prized collection. The collection seems to take over the house. Now there is no room for everyday items, things get put on a table, on a chair. Next thing you know that pile has grown covering the table and chairs. Is this going to lead to hoarding? Perhaps.

Combine an anxiety disorder or an unwillingness to get rid of anything; yes this could lead to hoarding. It seems to start out small and then the shopping and keeping everything begins to isolate people.

There is help for hoarders for the messy and people that live in clutter. The Designer Gals can help. We can assist you in getting your house in order, give you solutions that will work for your lifestyle.

Give us a call or send an email, The Designer Gals organize life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Bright Side to Interior Redesign

Now that many of us are spending more time at home with a large to-do list, this is the perfect time to get creative. Budgets might be smaller but giving your home a fresh new look is easier than you think.

That brings me to The Designer Gals new Ebook. Yes, we have The Little Book of Redesign to prove that decorating can be easier than you think. Simple solutions to help shape your home, tips on using color and so much more.

We hope The Little Book of Redesign will inspire you to create, change and enjoy your home for many years to come. The bright side to redesign, love your home all over again.

Our book is available on our website for $9.95. Perfect for yourself or as a gift. Questions,we have answers! Order today!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Little Book of Design

Fantastic News!!!!! Gayle and I have completed our E-Book on redesign and is now available on our web site We will also make it possible to down load on Kindle and purchase through Amazon in a PDF file. It is our goal to stay 'green' in the process of selling our book. We should be 'live ' on the other sites sometime this week.
This book will help not only the beginner in redesign but also add new and fresh ideas to the experienced designer.
We would love to hear from you after you purchase and use our ideas for your home or office.
This would make a wonderful gift to anyone looking for a change in their home, not limted to one room but maybe every room!!!!
Enjoy and remember to Repurpose* Reuse* Redesign*
Judy--Designer Gal

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Updating on a budget

There is no time like now to give your house a lift. If you are thinking of selling or keeping your home the best bet is to update the kitchen and bathrooms.

Decide on a budget, bottom line amount you want to spend and do not go over it. You will be tempted - trust me on that. Stay focused especially when it comes to replacing countertops. Granite is not the only product out there!

Cabinets do not have to be torn out. Paint is affordable and will make your cabinets look like new. If the door is an old style or unsalvageable, you can purchase just new doors. Check out cabinet companies in your area, construction is down and you can get great prices right now.

Most companies offer free consultations. So when you are serious and ready for an update give one a call and see how far your budget will take you.

Can’t go that far? Then try a new color in your space. Paint is inexpensive and makes a big impact on any space.

The idea is to get started! The Designer Gals, Gayle or Judy are here to give you ideas, let's chat soon.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get Rid of the Clutter Get Organized

Years ago it was all the buzz to go “paperless” in our office. It never happened! In our digital age why is there so much paper everywhere?

Tips we can do to STOP it!
Catalogs from stores you do not order from. If you do order from the stores, the catalog is on-line… use the internet. Unsubscribe them.

Junk mail - all those ads… check out Direct Marketing Assoc. website at - they will contact companies for you and get you off their mailing list.

Organize your life with a scanner. They are inexpensive and can scan everything from business cards to personal documents,photo's and more.

Newspapers are online. But if you love lingering over the morning paper, ok, but don’t let them pile up all over the house. Try a basket or tray (size of paper) and keep it there and then recycle when that basket is full.

Go through old stacks of stuff one box, drawer, stack at a time. Get a shredder, again not expensive, and start shredding. Keep your tax records, financial statements, birth certificates, etc. Shred things with your name, phone number, and social security number on it for security and piece of mind.

Keep paper under control…shred it or recycle it every day, every week.

For more organizing ideas The Designer Gals are just an email away!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Home staging removes clutter for fast sale

Marketing a home for sale in this market it is imperative that it be staged before it goes on the MLS. A good location and clean house is no longer enough to ensure a quick sale at the highest price for the home.

Many Realtor's list on MLS put a sign up and hope the house will eventually sell. They worry they may offend the seller by talking about staging and do not want to ask them to spend money to spruce up the house.

The old saying “you have to spend money to make money” is still true! A few hundred dollars is worth a fast sale and a higher price.

Staging will clear out all the clutter, highlight focal points; help update the feel of older homes with inexpensive and creative solutions.
Something to think about - Staging is always less than a price reduction.
If your Realtor doesn’t mention staging you should and before pictures go on the MLS!

Home staging can help you get ready to move on and a new owner to move on in!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Redesign on a budget and home staging idea too

Here's an idea! Has your patio set seen better days? With a little work and a couple paint products it will look like new.

If the set is wrought iron, clean it, brush off any chipped or peeling paint and get ready for a new look. Yes, a new look. Change the color! There is no rule that says it has to be black or white or green. There are many colors to choose from. Some spray paints require no primer; the spray paint is all in one. Love that!

Redo the cushions too; a couple yards of fabric and the old cushions will be good as new. Wrap the seat like a present, staple or hot glue and you've got cushions to last until you decide to change them again.

It is a simple idea and sometimes it's the simple ideas that are overlooked. Wood can be restained, plastic can be painted, just about any surface can be painted and made new.

A couple of inexpensive ideas to freshen up the patio for the months ahead. Spring is just around the corner, be ready for it.

Our 3D virtual designs can give you more ideas too. Or send us some pictures or we can stop by. The Designer Gals will work within your budget. Let's chat soon!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clutter in your house?

Clutter = Chaos.

It invades the home slowly at first, items bought on sale, things to be used later, shoes bought and never worn. Or how about the oversized or undersized clothes piled up 'just in case' and the family hand me downs that if given away would just “kill” auntie Em.

No matter what, why, or where it is in your house, it IS clutter! It takes up valuable living space and keeps family and friends from being a part of your life.

It is time to change all of this, restore calm and well being to your life. The Designer Gals can work with you to organize your environment to help you to move forward and gain back the life you envision.

We can help you get to the bottom of things, literally, and figure out why and how not to return to the cluttered life you once had. The Designer Gals will get your space back to life again. Don't feel embarrassed or hesitate to call, get your life back!