Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Home staging removes clutter for fast sale

Marketing a home for sale in this market it is imperative that it be staged before it goes on the MLS. A good location and clean house is no longer enough to ensure a quick sale at the highest price for the home.

Many Realtor's list on MLS put a sign up and hope the house will eventually sell. They worry they may offend the seller by talking about staging and do not want to ask them to spend money to spruce up the house.

The old saying “you have to spend money to make money” is still true! A few hundred dollars is worth a fast sale and a higher price.

Staging will clear out all the clutter, highlight focal points; help update the feel of older homes with inexpensive and creative solutions.
Something to think about - Staging is always less than a price reduction.
If your Realtor doesn’t mention staging you should and before pictures go on the MLS!

Home staging can help you get ready to move on and a new owner to move on in!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Redesign on a budget and home staging idea too

Here's an idea! Has your patio set seen better days? With a little work and a couple paint products it will look like new.

If the set is wrought iron, clean it, brush off any chipped or peeling paint and get ready for a new look. Yes, a new look. Change the color! There is no rule that says it has to be black or white or green. There are many colors to choose from. Some spray paints require no primer; the spray paint is all in one. Love that!

Redo the cushions too; a couple yards of fabric and the old cushions will be good as new. Wrap the seat like a present, staple or hot glue and you've got cushions to last until you decide to change them again.

It is a simple idea and sometimes it's the simple ideas that are overlooked. Wood can be restained, plastic can be painted, just about any surface can be painted and made new.

A couple of inexpensive ideas to freshen up the patio for the months ahead. Spring is just around the corner, be ready for it.

Our 3D virtual designs can give you more ideas too. Or send us some pictures or we can stop by. The Designer Gals will work within your budget. Let's chat soon!